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wdw 微機(jī)控制抗彎強(qiáng)度試驗(yàn)機(jī)

會(huì)員指數(shù): 企業(yè)認(rèn)證:






公司地址:電話:18911397564 01066024083

李經(jīng)理(先生) 經(jīng)理 


微機(jī)控制拉力試驗(yàn)機(jī) 型號(hào):BLD:試驗(yàn)機(jī),電子拉力機(jī), 拉力試驗(yàn)機(jī),抗彎強(qiáng)度試驗(yàn)機(jī),拉壓彎試驗(yàn)機(jī),電子拉力機(jī)Microcompu




公司擁有一支優(yōu)秀的技術(shù)團(tuán)隊(duì),并秉成“創(chuàng)新、精準(zhǔn)、高效、跨越”的文化理念逐步打造成為一流的儀器檢測(cè)公司。 同時(shí)北廣公司強(qiáng)大的售后隊(duì)伍會(huì)對(duì)消費(fèi)者進(jìn)行全程的優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)



我公司現(xiàn)有技術(shù)人員170人其中 專業(yè)研發(fā)人員占%15專業(yè)技術(shù)人員占%25 專業(yè)售后人員占%30


   一、誠(chéng)信待戶 顧客至上      全心全意為顧客考慮,使顧客能切身感受到人性化的儀器。

  二、精準(zhǔn)檢測(cè) 保質(zhì)保量      精準(zhǔn)檢測(cè)是我們的責(zé)任 保質(zhì)保量是我們對(duì)客戶的鄭重承諾

  三、技術(shù)領(lǐng)先 創(chuàng)新理念   儲(chǔ)備一流的開發(fā)人才,引進(jìn)世界領(lǐng)先技術(shù),采用先進(jìn)的設(shè)計(jì)理念,打造最精良的檢測(cè)儀器。




                          以信譽(yù)  營(yíng)客戶     以質(zhì)量  鑄市場(chǎng)    以技術(shù)  保精準(zhǔn)   以售后 造未來




 微機(jī)控制拉力試驗(yàn)機(jī) 型號(hào):BLD:試驗(yàn)機(jī),電子拉力機(jī), 拉力試驗(yàn)機(jī),抗彎強(qiáng)度試驗(yàn)機(jī),拉壓彎試驗(yàn)機(jī),電子拉力機(jī)

Microcomputer control universal tensile testing machine model: the BLD: universal testing machine, electronic tensile machine, tensile testing machine, and bending strength testing machine, bending machine, electronic tensile machine

Microcomputer control universal tensile testing machine model: the BLD: universal testing machine, electronic tensile machine,

Microcomputer control universal tensile testing machine model: the BLD: universal testing machine, electronic tensile machine,

tensile testing machine, and bending strength testing machine, bending machine, electronic tensile machine

Tensile testing machine, and bending strength testing machine, bending machine, electronic tensile machine


A, universal tensile testing machine performance characteristics:

A, universal tensile testing machine performance characteristics:

A, universal tensile testing machine performance characteristics:


Microcomputer control electron universal testing machine, USES the overseas advanced design idea, beautiful appearance, convenient operation, stable and reliable performance. Computer through the full digital control system developed by my company acquisition control, the full digital speed regulation controller directly control all digital speed control motor rotation, motor speed by the arc synchronous gear system slowdown runnin precision ball screw vice implementation bar up and down, to complete mechanical properties such as tensile, stripping, compression of the sample test.

Microcomputer control electron universal testing machine, USES the overseas advanced design idea, beautiful appearance, convenient operation, stable and reliable performance. Computer through the full digital control system developed by my company acquisition control,

Microcomputer control electron universal testing machine, USES the overseas advanced design idea, beautiful appearance, work operation, stable and reliable performance. The Computer through the full digital control system developed by my company acquisition control,

the full digital speed regulation controller directly control all digital speed control motor rotation, motor speed by the arc synchronous gear system slowdown runnin precision ball screw vice implementation bar up and down, to complete mechanical properties such as tensile, stripping, compression of the sample test.

The full digital speed regulation controller directly control all digital speed control motor rotation, motor speed by the arc synchronous gear system slowdown runnin precision ball screw vice implementation bar up and down, to complete mechanical properties to the as tensile, stripping, compression will of the sample test.


Professional software tester automatically calculate elongation at specified elongation, concentration, tensile strength, elongation sample, upper and lower yield and yield strength data, but also satisfy the displacement control. Computer control system to control the test process and data processing in accordance with the corresponding metal, nonmetal and composite materials, the requirements of national standard, diversification, such as WORD, for test report.

Professional software tester automatically calculate elongation at specified elongation, concentration, tensile strength, elongation sample, upper and lower yield and yield strength data, but also satisfy the displacement control. Computer control system to control the test process and data processing in accordance with the corresponding metal,

Professional software tester automatically calculate elongation at specified elongation, concentration, tensile strength, elongation sample, upper and lower yield and yield strength data, but also the satisfy the below control. The Computer control system to control the test process and data processing in accordance with the corresponding metal,

nonmetal and composite materials, the requirements of national standard, diversification, such as WORD, for test report.

, nonmetal and composite materials, the requirements of national standard, diversification, to as WORD, for the test report.


This machine is no pollution, low noise, high efficiency, has a wide speed range. The machine is suitable for all kinds of metals, non-metallic and composite material mechanics performance testing, in full compliance with the requirements of relevant national standard.

This machine is no pollution, low noise, high efficiency, has a wide speed range. The machine is suitable for all kinds of metals, non-metallic and composite material mechanics performance testing, in full compliance with the requirements of relevant national standard.

This machine is no pollution, low noise, high efficiency, has a wide speed range. The machine is suitable for all kinds of metals, non - metallic and composite material mechanics performance testing, in full The compliance with The requirements of relevant national standard.


This machine is widely used in building materials, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, wire and cable, rubber, plastics, textile, home appliances and other industries of material inspection analysis, is a scientific research colleges and universities, colleges and universities, industrial and mining enterprises, departments of technical supervision, commodity inspection arbitration ideal test equipment.

This machine is widely used in building materials, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, wire and cable, rubber, plastics, textile, home appliances and other industries of material inspection analysis, is a scientific research colleges and universities, colleges and universities,

This machine is widely, informs the in building materials, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, wire and cable, rubber, plastics, textile, home appliances and other industries of material inspection analysis, is a scientific research colleges and universities, colleges and universities,

industrial and mining enterprises, departments of technical supervision, commodity inspection arbitration ideal test equipment.

Industrial and mining, enterprises, the departments of technical supervision, commodity inspection arbitration ideal test equipment.

二、拉力試驗(yàn)機(jī) 主要技術(shù)指標(biāo)

Two main technical indicators, universal tensile testing machine

Two main technical indicators, universal tensile testing machine

The Two main technical indicators, universal tensile testing machine


1, the biggest test force: 0-300 kn

1, the biggest test force: 0-300 kn

1, the biggest test force: 0-300 - kn


2, test step: don't step all the way, all the resolution remains the same

2, test step: don't step all the way, all the resolution remains the same

2, the test step: don 't step all the way, all the resolution remains the same


3, the test force display the range: 0 ~ 300 kn

3, the test force display the range: 0 ~ 300 kn

3, the test force display the range: 0 ~ 300 kn


4, test force effective measuring range: 2% ~ of full scale

4, test force effective measuring range: 2% ~ of full scale

4, the test force effective measuring range: 2% ~ of full scale


5, test force measuring accuracy: better than that of value plus or minus 1%

5, test force measuring accuracy: better than that of value plus or minus 1%

5, the test force measuring accuracy: better than that of the value plus or minus 1%


6, displacement, speed control range: 0.05 mm/min to 500 mm/min, stepless speed regulation, speed in any setting

6, displacement, speed control range: 0.05 mm/min to 500 mm/min, stepless speed regulation, speed in any setting

6, below, speed control range: 0.05 mm/min to 500 mm/min, stepless speed regulation, speed in any setting


7, the displacement resolution: 0.01 mm

7, the displacement resolution: 0.01 mm

7, the below resolution: 0.01 mm


8, displacement speed control precision, better than + / - 0.5%

8, displacement speed control precision, better than + / - 0.5%

8, below speed control precision, better than + / - 0.5%


9, the displacement measurement accuracy: better than + / - 0.5%

9, the displacement measurement accuracy: better than + / - 0.5%

9, the below measurement accuracy, better than + / - 0.5%


10, stretching trip: 0 ~ 1000 mm (excluding stogether)

10, stretching trip: 0 ~ 1000 mm (excluding stogether)

10, stretching trip: 0 ~ 1000 mm (excluding stogether)


11, software and user interface: the Windows xp operating environment of software and interactive man-machine conversation interface

11, software and user interface: the Windows xp operating environment of software and interactive man-machine conversation interface

11, the software and user interface: the Windows xp operating environment of software and interactive, man - machine conversation interface


12, the power supply: 220 v, 50 hz

12, the power supply: 220 v, 50 hz

12, the power supply: 220 v, 50 hz


Three, universal tensile testing machine host configuration

Three, universal tensile testing machine host configuration

Three, universal tensile testing machine host configuration

? 高強(qiáng)度主機(jī)一臺(tái)(單臂式結(jié)構(gòu)+雙柱式結(jié)構(gòu))可選

? High strength host a (single arm type structure + double column type structure) are optional

? High strength host a (single arm type structure + double column type structure) are optional

? High strength host a (single arm type structure + double column type structure) are optional

? 光電編碼器一只

? High precision photoelectric encoder

? High precision photoelectric encoder

? High precision photoelectric encoder

? 全數(shù)字調(diào)速系統(tǒng)和全數(shù)字調(diào)速電機(jī)各一套

? Full digital speed regulation system and one set of full digital speed regulating motor)

? Full digital speed regulation system and one set of full digital speed regulating motor)

? Full digital speed regulation system and one set of Full digital speed regulating motor)

? 高滾珠絲杠副一套

? High precision ball screw vice

? High precision ball screw vice

? High precision ball screw vice

? 圓弧同步減速系統(tǒng)一套

? Precision arc synchronous gear system

? Precision arc synchronous gear system

? Precision arc synchronous gear system

? 負(fù)荷傳感器一支

? A high precision load sensor

? A high precision load sensor

? A high precision load sensor

? 專用拉伸輔具一套

? Assistive devices a special drawing

? Assistive devices a special drawing

? Assistive devices a special drawing

? 聯(lián)想計(jì)算機(jī)一臺(tái)

? A lenovo computer

? A lenovo computer

? A lenovo computer

? HP彩色噴墨打印機(jī)一臺(tái)

? HP color inkjet printer

? HP color inkjet printer

? HP color inkjet printer

? AD800試驗(yàn)卡一套

? A set of AD800 universal test card

? A set of AD800 universal test card

? A set of AD800 universal test card

? WINDOWS98/2000/XP操作環(huán)境下的試驗(yàn)機(jī)專用軟件一套

? WINDOWS98/2000 / XP operating environment of the machine a set of dedicated software

? WINDOWS98/2000 / XP operating environment of the machine a set of dedicated software

? WINDOWS98/2000 / XP operating environment of the machine. A set of dedicated software


Four, universal tensile testing machine is introduced

Four, universal tensile testing machine is introduced

Four, universal tensile testing machine is introduced


1) automatic stop: sample after destruction, moving beam automatic stop moving (or automatically returns to the initial position)

1) automatic stop: sample after destruction, moving beam automatic stop moving (or automatically returns to the initial position)

1) automatic stop: the sample after destruction, moving beam automatic stop moving (or automatically returns to the initial position)


2) automatic shift: according to the test force automatically switch to the appropriate range, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement data

2) automatic shift: according to the test force automatically switch to the appropriate range, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement data

2) automatic shift: "according to the test force automatically switch to the appropriate range, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement data


Module 3) condition: test conditions and original data sample can set up their own standard module is stored; Convenient user calls and check, save test time

Module 3) condition: test conditions and original data sample can set up their own standard module is stored;

The Module 3) condition: test the conditions and the original data sample can set up their own standard Module is stored;

Convenient user calls and check, save test time

Work the user calls and check, and save the test time


4) automatic transmission: the displacement of the testing process can also be manually change speed can be automatically completed

4) automatic transmission: the displacement of the testing process can also be manually change speed can be automatically completed

4) automatic transmission: the below of the testing process can also be manually change speed can be automatically completed


5) 6) automatically save: end of the test, the test data and curves are stored in the computer, put an end to for forget to save and cause data loss

5) 6) automatically save: end of the test, the test data and curves are stored in the computer, put an end to for forget to save and cause data loss

5) 6) automatically save: the end of the test, the test data and curves are stored in the computer, put an end to for forget to save and cause data loss


7) testing process, testing process and measurement, display, analysis, etc are completed by the microcomputer

7) testing process, testing process and measurement, display, analysis, etc are completed by the microcomputer

7) testing process, testing process and measurement, display, analysis, etc are completed by the microcomputer


: 8) batch test sample for the same parameters, but after a set in order to complete a batch test

: 8) batch test sample for the same parameters, but after a set in order to complete a batch test

: 8) batch test sample for the same parameters, but after a set in order to complete a batch test


9) test software: Chinese Windows user interface, easy operation

9) test software: Chinese Windows user interface, easy operation

9) the test software: Chinese Windows user interface, easy operation


10) display mode: dynamic display of data and curves with the testing process

10) display mode: dynamic display of data and curves with the testing process

10) display mode: dynamic display of the data and curves with the testing process


11) curve traversal: after completion of test, can enlarge curve analysis again, use the mouse to check the test curve at various points on the corresponding data

11) curve traversal: after completion of test, can enlarge curve analysis again, use the mouse to check the test curve at various points on the corresponding data

11) the curve traversal: after the completion of the test, can enlarge the curve analysis again, use the mouse to check the test curve at various points on the corresponding data


12) test report: according to user requirements for editing

12) test report: according to user requirements for editing

12) the test report: "according to user requirements for editing


13) limit protection: with SPC and mechanical two level limit protection

13) limit protection: with SPC and mechanical two level limit protection

13) limit protection: with SPC and mechanical two level limit protection


14) overload protection: when the load exceeds rating 3 ~ 5%, automatic stop

14) overload protection: when the load exceeds rating 3 ~ 5%, automatic stop

14) overload protection: when the load exceeds rating 3 ~ 5%, automatic stop


15) to calculate all kinds of automatic and manual two kinds of model test results, form report automatically, make data analysis process is simple, convenient for users

15) to calculate all kinds of automatic and manual two kinds of model test results, form report automatically, make data analysis process is simple, convenient for users

15) to calculate all kinds of automatic and manual two kinds of model test results, the form report automatically, make the data analysis process is simple, work for the users


This series of machine in line with national standards, the structure is as follows: single column and double column, type: + control of microcomputer, liquid crystal display (LCD) biggest test force: 0-300 - kn, can be customized according to customer's requirements.

This series of machine in line with national standards, the structure is as follows: single column and double column, type: + control of microcomputer, liquid crystal display (LCD) biggest test force: 0-300 - kn, can be customized according to customer's requirements.

This series of machine in line with national standards, the structure is as follows: single column and double column, type: + control of microcomputer, liquid crystal display (LCD) biggest test force: 0-300 - kn, can be customized "according to the customer 's requirements.

免責(zé)聲明:以上所展示的[wdw 微機(jī)控制抗彎強(qiáng)度試驗(yàn)機(jī)]信息由會(huì)員[北京北廣精儀儀器有限公司]自行提供,內(nèi)容的真實(shí)性、準(zhǔn)確性和合法性由發(fā)布會(huì)員負(fù)責(zé)。


